I grew up in a Christian home and attended church as a tradition until 1995 during a crusade where I surrendered My life to have a close and personal relationship with God. I joined the inquirer and was baptized on April 6th 1996. But August 25th 1998 marked a turning point in my life because it is during this time that I actually served God with zeal and passion.
Since then as a young man I kept striving toward higher height and developing deeper love and growing in knowledge of His Word. I started my ministry experience with the youth at Faith Baptist Church Anguissa Yaounde as the social coordinator, choir assistant leader and church music director. I responded to the call into full time ministry while working as a nurse with Hope Services Clinic a Christian base organization in Yaoundé Cameroon.
My mission statement" I exist to praise the name of the Lord in the counsel of believers in order to provoke missions" Psalm 111 .In other words "Equipping and preparing the saints for missions." My five top ministry priorities includes: Music, Teaching, Preaching, Counseling and Missions. I am the Pastor of Faith Baptist Church, Airport.